Jesus’ last words to his disciples in Matthew 28, was to “Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.” What a high calling, but clearly this is Jesus’ expectation for us all no matter where we live.
The churches in our fellowship all around the world encourage our young singles and campus students to go on “One Year Challenges.” A “One Year Challenge” is when you give up a year of your life to go on a church planting or mission trip to support and encourage a church. Last year two of our very own, Casey Burkett and Erica Brown, went on “One Year Challenges.” Casey went on a church planting to Sri Lanka, and Erica Brown went to London to serve with the Teens Ministry in our sister church.
Listen below to their testimony to hear about their opportunities to serve.
Jaraad, Casey, Erica, and Matt